2 min read

Useful CSS snippets

A collection of nice CSS tricks, most of which are in use on this website. Pinch yourself and remember all the cool new CSS features we have now, no more floats! I love you grid and flex.
Useful CSS snippets

A collection of nice css tricks, most of which are in use on this website. Pinch yourself and remember all the cool new CSS features we have now, no more floats! I love you grid and flex! ❤️

A Complete Guide to Data Attributes | CSS-Tricks
Everything you ever wanted to know about data attributes in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Data attributes are really useful for programmatically applying css

A pretty timeline

Add fontawesome icons as a pseudo element

color: color-mod(var(--color-midgrey) l(-8%));

Modify the brightness of a colour variable

A nice button animation

Animated squares background animation

Four colour moving gradient background

A two column layout with a fixed sidebar and scrolling content

A Complete Guide to Data Attributes | CSS-Tricks
Everything you ever wanted to know about data attributes in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Not a snippet to use but data attributes are great

Hide header on scroll down, show on scroll up - JSFiddle - Code Playground
Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor.

A fixed menu that hides on scroll down and displays on scroll up

A CSS & JS text typing animation